What Is Occupational Therapy?
Occupational therapy (OT) helps kids who have a physical, sensory, or cognitive disability. It helps them do everyday things like eating, putting on shoes and socks, focusing on learning, writing, and playing with toys or other kids.

Infant Milestones
Motor skills are essential for baby's physical strength and movement. First year milestones include: good head control, rolling, crawling, reaching with both arms, and clapping,

Sensory processing is the brain's ability to receive and process information from the senses. Difficulty interpreting the messages can make life stressful for both child and caregivers. For example a child who struggles with sensory issues may have meltdowns at bathtime.

Self-Care Skills
Self-care skills begin to develop at a young age by holding your bottle and using a spoon. By 3 years old, children take off and put on clothes. By 5 years old, they should be able to button, zip, and tie laces.

Fine Motor Skills
Fine motor skills are movements involving smaller muscle groups such as those in the hand and wrist. This also includes eye-hand coordination. These skills start with poking and pointing, moving onto pinching, and finishing with a proper pencil grip.